Lecture notes on Basics of Molecular Biology
Chromosome Structure
- DNA as genetic material: experimental evidences
- Structure, properties and various forms of DNA
- Structures, properties and types of RNA
- Topological properties of DNA
- DNA denaturation and renaturation kinetics
- C- value paradox
- Packaging of DNA into chromosome
- Chromosome banding techniques
- Centromere and Telomere
- Giant chromosome.
Replication and Transcription
- DNA replication in prokaryotes
- DNA replication in eukaryotes
- Transcription in prokaryotes
- Transcription in eukaryotes
- Post transcription modifications (5’capping and 3’ poly (A) tailing
- Splicing,
- Reverse transcription
Translation and Regulation of Gene Expression
- Basic features of genetic code
- Translation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
- Post translational modifications
- Regulation of prokaryotic gene expression ( lac, trp and arb operon)
- Regulation of Eukaryotic gene expression (DNA binding motifs and domains, activators, enhancers and insulators)
- RNA interference and antisense RNA.
Transposition, Mutation and Repair mechanism, Recombination,
- and transposable elements in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
- Mutations: Types of mutations, Mutagens, Screening chemicals for mutagenicity
- Recombination (The Holliday model and Double strand break repair model)
- DNA repair (Photoreactivation, Base excision repair, Nucleotide excision repair, mismatch repair, SOS system).
- Dosage compensation
- Sex determination