PPT explains library screening strategies, including methods of identification of clones from gene libraries. Methods includes Sequence-dependent s...
The PPT explains the cDNA library properties construction and applications. Recombinant DNA Technology PPTs
The PPT explains cloning strategies genomic library and PCR-based cloning. Recombinant DNA Technology PPTs
PPT explains various techniques for the introduction of rDNA into plant and animal cells. For other topics of RDT click on Recombinant DNA Technology ...
PPT explains the introduction of recombinant DNA into bacterial cells. For PPT on recombinant DNA technology, click on Recombinant DNA Technology PPTs
The PPT defines selection and scorable markers/reporter genes used in recombinant DNA vectors. For vectors, click on Plasmid vectors; Cloning vect...
PPT explains briefly the formation of DNA fragments using linkers adaptors and homopolymer tails. For vectors, click on Plasmid vectors
There are 26 MCQS on Intermediate Filments structure and functions. For intermediate filament structure and functions, click on Intermediate Filaments...
Intermediate filaments PPT explains the types, structure, and functions of intermediate filaments in animal cells. For actin and microtubule filaments...
There are 15 MCQs on Introduction to Recombinant DNA Technology and Gene Cloning. Introduction to Recombinant DNA technology and Gene Cloning