PPT explains steps of Biosynthesis and degradation of Porphyrins. Shop to Download
Category: Biochemistry
The PPT explains Enzyme Purification including methods for isolation, purification and characterizat...
PPT explains the Standard free energy change in various biological reactions take place in cell. ...
There are 30 MCQs on Nucleotide Metabolism. Topic covers biosynthesis and degradation of purine and ...
Biosynthesis of deoxyribonucleotides, Role of ribonucleotide reductase, Synthesis of deoxythymidylat...
Biosynthesis of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides and their regulation, Purine salvage pathways, Cat...
There are 35 MCQs on fatty acid and Eicosanoid Biosynthesis. The answer key is at the end. For th...
Biosynthesis of Eicosanoids Prostaglandins (PG), Thromboxanes (TX), Leukotrienes (LT), and Lipoxins...
The PPT provides brief account of Fatty acid biosynthesis which includes Acetyl CoA carboxylase, fat...
There are 22 MCQs on triglycerides, phospholipids and sphingolipids biosynthesis and functions. The ...