There are 18 MCQs on lipoproteins and disorders of cholesterol metabolism. For the subjective det...
Category: Biochemistry
There are 22 MCQs on Cholesterol Metabolism. The answer key is at the end of the page. For detail...
There are 10 MCQs on amino acid biosynthesis. The answer key is at the end of mcqs For the detail...
There are 15 MCQs on biological nitrogen fixation. the answer is at the end of MCQs list For the ...
The pdf provides 20 MCQs on amino acid degradation pathways including urea cycle for the detail o...
Inborn errors of Amino acid catabolic pathways Inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) are genetic diso...
Lipoproteins (Chylomicrons, VLDL, LDL & HDL) Defects in cholesterol metabolism for details o...
Biosynthesis of Cholesterol and its regulation Cholesterol is a structural component of cell me...
Biosynthetic pathways for Triacylglycerols, Phosphoglycerides, Sphingomyelin The major sites of...
Amino acid biosynthesis: an overview All amino acids are derived from intermediates in glycolys...