The post provides details on Cell Fusion techniques devised by Larry Frye and Michael Edidin (1970)....
Category: PPTs
The PPT provides details of Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP) Analysis. The techniqu...
The PPT explains Membrane Dynamics and Fluidity which includes various motions of lipid and protein...
Composition Structure Functions of Plasma Membrane Shop to Download
The PPT provides brief Introduction to cell and cell biology. Shop to Download
What is Biotechnology? The PPT provides introduction to biotechnology which includes definition, ...
The PPT provides information on bacterial plasmid vectors generally used in gene cloning experiment ...
The PPT provides information on various DNA modifying enzymes (ligase, polymerases, alkaline phospha...
This PPT provides detailed description of Restriction Endonucleases used in the gene cloning and re...