Life cycle of M13 Bacteriophage They are single strand DNA phages. M13 phage is related to Fd...
Category: PPTs
Gene Transfer in Bacteria-3 Transduction (Generalized and Specialized Transduction) Transdu...
Gene Transfer In Bacteria-II Transformation Transformation was the first of the three mech...
Gene Transfer In Bacteria I: Conjugation Hfr Conjugation Sexduction Bacteria exchange genetic mat...
Bacterial plasmids: Types of plasmids, Compatibility and incompatibility, Mobilizable plasmids, Copy...
Chromosomal Aberrations: Change in numbers and structure Abnormal structure or number of chrom...
Cytoplasmic inheritance Cytoplasmic inheritance: Hereditary transmission dependent on the cytop...
Linkage Recombination and chromosome mapping Linkage Morgan’s concept of Linkage Morgan...
Exceptions to Mendel’s laws; Allelic variation and gene function According to Mendel, a single ...
Mendel’s Law and Chromosomal theory of heredity Gregor John Mendel 1822-1884 Gregor Mendel...