Weak Acid Base PH Henderson Hasselbalch Equation Biological Buffer Polyprotic Acid Ionic Strength

Weak Acid Base PH Henderson Hasselbalch Equation Biological Buffer Polyprotic Acid Ionic Strength

October 26, 2021

Acid and Base

As per modern concept of acid and bases developed by Bronsted, Lowry and other defines acids as proton donors and bases are proton acceptors

Each acid is therefore has a conjugate base,

Acid    →    Base + H+

Alkali:  The term alkali is reversed for those compounds that yield OH ion dissociation

Some examples of acids and bases

Table 1 showing common acid and conjugated base

Acid  Conjugate base
HCl Cl
H2CO3      HCO3
H3O+ H2O

Although it is convenient to write acid-base equilibrium as shown above, the proton does not exist as such, but is usually solvated. E.g. in aqueous media the hydrogen ion exists as the hydronium ion (H3O+)

H+  +     H2O  ↔  H3O+


One response to “Weak Acid Base PH Henderson Hasselbalch Equation Biological Buffer Polyprotic Acid Ionic Strength”

  1. […] There are 15 MCQs on pH and Buffers. For details on the topic click on Weak Acid Base PH Henderson Hasselbalch Equation Biological Buffer Polyprotic Acid Ionic Strength […]

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