Mendel’s Law and Chromosomal theory of heredity
Mendel’s Law and Chromosomal theory of heredity
Gregor John Mendel 1822-1884
- Gregor Mendel was the first investigator who laid the foundation of Modern Genetics. By his famous experiments in pea plant he concluded that the inheritance is governed by certain factors which occur in the cells of each parent.
- He thought that each parent has two such factors, while their sex cells (sperm or pollens, ovum or eggs) have only such factor.
- He published his data in 1866 in volume 4 of the proceedings of the Natural Science Society. In this paper he proposed the law of inheritance.
- His work remained unappreciated till 1900 when independently three different groups of scientist namely Hugo de Vries in Oenothera; Carl Correns in Pea, maize and Tschermak in various flowering plants drawn the same conclusion like Mendel’s.
- Mendel’s original paper was republished in Flora, in 1901. Bateson confirmed Mendel’s work by a series of hybridization experiments.